I hope I have not lost readers in my summer absence. A lot of work has been done to our house, and the work (hopefully) is nearing an end.
Over the summer, I began exploring running barefoot or with Vibram Five Finger shoes. It has been a pleasant experience, but as colder weather nears, I am at a dilemma as to what to wear for tights.
A new brand made in Poland has come out, Adrian . They are available at Legwear4Men .
I look forward to trying these out. Unfortunatley, house renovations has put a serious dent in my wallet, so it may be a while before I get to try them out.
Sowhat will you do for international Men in Tights Day? I have yet to decide if I will do anything special, orif I will just wear tights and do what I usually do. Are you going to celebrate the day? If so, let me know!