I love it when Mrs. PH posts or replies to readers responses. We don't always tell each other when we are posting, and what we are posting, so it is a nice surprise to log in and see a comment. Tonight, we were reading a readers response together, then she opened up the LAUF page. I love talking about pantyhose with my wife.
I went to order some of the Doyeah pantyhose with the "appendage" and Luxelegwear was out of stock. I emailed, and the responded quickly. Deb, the contact there said that she had to change the website to reflect that they are in stock. I will order a pair later on today.
It seems that all the chatter on LAUF isn't so negative about these hose. Some even feel that they can be practical. I do wonder, however, how many guys wear and say, "I'm wearing to be practical.", and also find wearing hose to be erotic. (not that there is anything wrong with it)
I'm wearing Shivers tonight. The weather has been crazy cold for the beginning of March. It is supposed to warm up tomorrow (today?) Probably tonight I will wear sheer hose, not tights to work under my regular clothing. March and maybe the beginning of April is the end of legwear wearing for me. When it begins to warm up, I shift from opaque tights to sheer hose. This only lasts a couple to three weeks, then it is too warm for hosiery until fall.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Mrs. PH. It's very interesting. I like reading messages from people, so I could understand why you might enjoy getting a surprise messages from somebody; especially your wife.
ReplyDeleteI read in a book, that some people feel love through messages, such as letters & notes. Others feel love through gifts. Others feel love through time spent together, good deeds, or maybe physical touch.
Regarding LAUF and the hosiery sleeve, I wouldn't be surprised if most of them were being deceitful, in that they'll say that they're wearing it to be practical, as if that is all it is, but buying it for the erotic aspects.
As I think about it, I have a feeling that it would be very impractical and not necessarily erotic. I think that it would be cumbersome to have to pull the sleeve back for anything.
I'm definitely interested in what your review will be like. Mrs. PH, if you would give your thoughts, then that would be great, too.
I think that book is the 5 languages of love, Eugene. Something like that.
ReplyDeleteI believe that there's a greater population at LAUF that does have a fondness for the erotic side of it. I just wish they'd stop taking themselves so seriously and in the words of someone there IRT dealing with an unsupportive spouse "grow a pair". There I said it.
As to my thoughts about the sleeve, I can already tell you I don't like it. Yes, it's being prejudicial. But in an earlier post I talked about how I am sensory defensive to certain fabrics. And there is absolutely no visual redeeming quality to it, as far as I can tell from the image posted. Just as I would not want to see Mr PH in a Borat-style bathing suit or a teeny little speedo banana hammock.
What, no Borat style bathing suit? I love that movie, "Very Nice!"
ReplyDeleteI also agree with Mrs. PH. I bet most of the LAUFer's havea afondness for the erotic side of wearing hosiery. I could use this blog to shout out how functional it is, but I'd be kidding myself if I said that that was the only reason I wore. Hosiery does have an erotic side for me, as well as a funcional side.
ReplyDelete:^D Mrs. PH, I'm glad that you don't like the Borat style swim suit. :^D
ReplyDeleteYou said, 'I just wish they'd stop taking themselves so seriously and in the words of someone there IRT dealing with an unsupportive spouse "grow a pair".'. I don't quite understand. Are you talking about how he should treat his spouse?
Yes, it's about the love languages. I like the ideas in the book. I like all the languages, except receiving gifts. I'm trying to reduce clutter, so I hate having too much stuff around here.
Mr. & Mrs. PH, I'm interest in you both. What love languages do you like?
I wasn't clear when I made the grow a pair reference. I had just got home from work when I responded and my brain was fried.
ReplyDeleteWhat I meant was I wish they'd stop taking the functional part so seriously and talk about the other F sides- frivolous, fetish, fun.
As to how one should treat their spouse, I feel it should be done with respect and understanding and openness, just as their partner should do. I know that it's always easier said than done in many instances, and it's taken me a LONG time to get here. But I've found that by being open and respectful is a whole lot less stressful than trying to resist and fight about it. While I get that for some the wearing is important, is it so much a part of their life that it's worth dissolving a relationship over? And if it is, then there are far more issues than just hose wearing.
JMO, of course.
I can't say about the love language that I like. I've not read the book, I just know the gist of what it entails between the covers.
It's not just your opinion, it's just the facts. People automatically assume that there is a relationship problem, so that they could pin the blame on the woman, who doesn't accept. It's pathetic. That Borat style swim suit really makes a point. Is there a relationship problem if *she* wants to wear that. Is there a relationship problem if *he* wants to wear it? Is there a relationship problem if neither of them accept? What objections are justified, and which are stemmed from relationship problems? It's silly. I think that there is a relationship problem when they don't talk about it, and when they force it upon the other person. I think that there are communication problems in most of the cases.
ReplyDeleteMaybe now is a good time to talk about fetishes. Mr. & Mrs. PH, do you have any? I think that hosiery is my fetish, if it is a fetish to me at all. I don't know if I'd describe it as such, but whatever.