Comfilon has over the years had a few different manufactures of their footless tights. Although i usually like the footed variety, there are times when in the course of athletic endeavors that I prefer to wear a different sock. Now I tried the old version, the A879. Both times I tried them, they were from a different manufacturer, and both times slightly different. What was similar, was that both versions of the A879, had a brief portion that was made of a different, and weaker material. Both times the brief ran after only a few wearings. I liked the support legs on both old versions, and noticed that wearing them during or after a very long run would help my legs feel better. When
Comfilon came out with the new A876 as pictured above, I wanted to try them, but I was concerned about the brief. The
Comfilon website touted the new manufacturer, and the tights sturdy stretch fabric. I decided to give the new footless tights, with a fly a chance.
I got my order in last week, and haven't had a chance to try them out until today. I did notice at first glance, that the brief and leg portion were made of the same material. This, I'm sure will correct the "wimpy brief problem" that I had with older versions. Yesterday I went on a
really long run. I tried them this morning. My legs felt great. I was doing some cleaning around the house, and the support
definitely helped my sore legs. I took them off to do some wok that may have been "hosiery dangerous" and then left them off. My legs started to get a little sore, so I donned them again. Problem solved.
Comfilon 876's are just what I wanted. They are the same fabric all around, so you could wear them over say bicycle shorts, and they would not look funny as older versions have.
I also noticed that my other favorite athletic wear company Under Armour has come out with a compression tight aimed at recovering athletes. Called Under Armour Recharge, their recovery tights run $89 a pair. With the
Comfilon A876's being $20, I know what I'll be wearing to recharge!