One thing I learned this winter, is that moisturizing ones feet will help to make your sheer hosiery last much longer. I had always had a problem with the feet getting runs, and since I started moisturizing, the sheers have been lasting longer.
I started moisturizing, to keep my feet smooth for running in an attempt to prevent blisters etc. Speaking of running, the big race I will be doing looks like tights weather. I will be wearing my CW-X Ventilator tights to the event next Monday.

It has to get pretty darn hot before it's too warm for me to wear legwear. Since just about all I ever wear is sheer, and because I typically wear them with shorts in warmer weather, they can be comfortable in temps in the eighties, I think. Have you ever tried wearing sheer legwear with shorts? It certainly extends the season in which you can still wear them.
I have and do wear sheers with shorts, but usually, for work, I wear pants, and even sheers under pants when the weather gets warmer is too warm. That is why the end is near. But don't fret, it will be cold again in about 6 months, almost in time for iMiTD 2011!
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