I found these a while ago, and forgot about them, and thought I'd see if anyone thinks the same as me. These are for sale at Body Aware.com, an online men's underwear store, that has some risque and quite possibly fetishistic underwear. (http://www.bodyaware.com/MI-DG?promod=default&cid=9CE9.0JC2&dtind=40169.6536828009)
I asked SteveKatz a while ago on LAUF if the hose were his brand, but he wouldn't say. One of these days I'm going to order some and see for myself. What do you think?
Here at PH Balanced, we want to wish our readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, thanks for reading this year, who knows what next year will bring!
Did Steve Katz just avoid the question altogether?
Merry Christmas to you Mrs. PH, and Happy New Year.
It was about a year or more ago when I asked him, and he said something to the effect of "I can't say." Merry Christmass and a Happy New Year to you to Eugene!
Really interesting. At first, I was under the impression that the hosiery on that web site might be rebranded to the web site's brand. Now that I think about it, maybe it's the other way around.
Merry Christmas, Mr. & Mrs. PH!
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