A reader suggested that a post be written about this example of a man wearing hosiery with a business suit. Do you think this look will ever catch on? More photos in this set by the "Hosiery Advocate" may be found at http://www.flickr.com/photos/23958111@N00/sets/72157622262659084/ I think it is a smart tasteful look!
Personally I think that this outfit would have been better served with dark gray or black hosiery. Full marks to the guy for being so "out there" with his wearing though.
Hi PH & Mrs PH. I hope that you are doing well. I'd love to hear Mrs PH's view as well.
sheer geek, thanks for the feedback. I agree with you. I prefer black, grey, brown and blue for most of my colours. Unfortunately, I was hesitant to cut up a pair of pants that I would have to pay for. This pair was free.
sheer geek, if I understand correctly, you wear to work, but do you wear with shorts?
Hi Hosiery Advocate,
I run my own I.T. business and so can wear what I want, when I want. That said, the weather here in the UK is seldom suitable for shorts :(
You can keep up with my day-to-day hosiery related activities via my blog at http://sheergeek.blogspot.com
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