With http://www.luxelegwear.com/ I ordered a pair of the Cool Trunk Tights, and a pair of the sheer briefs. I will be sure to post a review and possibly pictures of them (alone, not modeled) when they come in.

Congratulations are in order for one of our readers. Steve has just started a job working for
http://www.comfilon.com/home I wish him the best of luck. To get into the male pantyhose takes some balls. Although I support the furtherance of the men's pantyhose as an acceptable garment, I don't think I could go public with it. Kudos to those who do so that the rest of us can enjoy wearing in private, or under our regular male clothing.
Speaking of Comfilon, tonight I'm wearing Comfilon A677 medium support pantyhose with a fly. These are much more durable than the A549's. I have worn this pair several times, and no runs yet. Once I deplete my supply of 549's, I will probably switch to these for cooler weather wear.
More discussion has come up regarding the dreaded "F" word. Fetish. The word that LAUFer's despise. Well, let me explain my self. I, for some unknown reason tried on my mothers pantyhose when I was in puberty. I liked the feel, and continued doing it. One night while doing so, I had my first orgasm. I thought I broke myself! This, I believe cemented my desire to wear hose.
Thanks for the warm wishes. Although you don't think you could go public with it, if you take the leap you will be very surprised how easily it can be accepted anymore. The stigma is truly disappearing when it comes to men's pantyhose. I'm going to repost what I posted over at LAUF, describing my experiences over the past few days while going '100% public' with it. See what you think:
Well, I said in the "New Announcements" folder that I would share some of my experiences with you all from this past week. Sorry this post turned into such a longwinded piece. To recap, having become ActivSkin's marketing director, my wife has now come full circle into complete acceptance the men's hose phenom, and is now very supportive of the fact that I wear them (praise God). As one tasked with promoting men's legwear to the greatest extent possible, I certainly can't be the least bit reticent about wearing them not only openly (as I've already done in the past) but also obviously--as in colors that people can readily notice. And, that's just what I've been doing since Wednesday. Although I've enjoyed a great deal of freedom in wearing hose up til now, I can't begin to describe how much better it is to have complete freedom to wear whatever I want in the way of legwear without worry about . And doing so even when Deb and I are together is icing on the cake, especially when I hear her actually talking up the idea to her friends now... wow.
After returning to Columbus from Granville, I made several stops at Staples, Barnes & Noble, and the grocery store on the way home. Was wearing sheer black A569s with olive green shorts, sneakers and no-show socks. Even after so many years of wearing hose, I'm still sometimes amazed at how few people even glance at your legs, even when dressed in black hose. Probably had a few very subtle little glances, but not even a hint of a stare. Guys, people do not care nearly as much as you think.
The next day I wore a nude colored body suit that I'm wear-testing, so not so obvious. I did accompany my wife to morning Mass though, and she was completely OK with it. I would not normally wear shorts to church, but weekday masses are much less formal than Sunday. Nobody we know there, so home we went. The really cool thing was listening to her telling friends on the phone about my new job and about how she's always been so embarassed about my wearing pantyhose. She's told many of her friends about it and how God has a sense of humor as now men's pantyhose are helping pay our bills. She figures he's telling her to lighten up about that, and she certainly is. And, now that all of her friends (and mine) now know about all of this, she's seeing firsthand that people are not condemning it, and are giving it a chance. She's not suffered the least bit of true embarassment over this--that is, having one of them say derogatory or negative things about it. Everyone of them have been completely supportive. I may have neglected to tell this part, but this arose because I was laid off from my engineering job (major staff cutbacks) and so it provided the perfect opportunity to pursue something like this.
Anyways, my next big step was to be Friday morning, when I joined up with a men's prayer group that I get together with every 2 weeks. I jumped in with both feet (and legs) and showed up bright and early at 6:45 am wearing sheer black hose with khaki shorts. The host and one other had received an e-mail from me the evening before that told of my newest job endeavor, so had some inkling of why I was dressed as I was. The experience was completely positive. One who arrived a little later, after I passed out a few ActivSkin brochures, commented something along the lines of, "oh, I'd been wondering whether you'd raided your wife's lingerie drawer this morning." But it was not in a derogatory manner. I don't necessarily peg any of these guys as potential future hose-wearers (but, you never know), but they didn't react badly to me showing up wearing black hose either.
From there, I drove by the church where my wife had gone to daily mass and since it was late, I waited until she came out. She was talking with her best friend outside one of the doors and I came walking over, so her friend got the full-on sight of me wearing the black hose. And, guess what? She just thought it was really neat about me finding new employment so quickly and that the whole legwear thing was no big deal. Since then, I've had a number of phone conversations with other friends (and brother-in-law) and have told them that basically I'm selling men's pantyhose, in so many words, and no one's had any negative comments to make on it. Now, I could probably sense that some might have a bit of unspoken skepticism about it, but not enough to give voice to. And, if so, as this thing moves along, I feel sure they'll come around on it.
Later that afternoon, I took my two oldest boys to a soccer referee preseason meeting. Stayed dressed just the same. No one gave me any shocked glances when I got there. I leaned against the wall near the back until afterward when I had to go up and talk to the coordinator. No big deal in their reactions.
Today, I've been in dark brown hose with black athletic shorts and T-shirt all day. While outside, I talked to several of our neighbors that hadn't yet learned of this weeks events. Again, nobody had any negative reactions to what I am now doing for work, nor what I was wearing. (One of the two ladies this afternoon has seen me in hose while out running on a number of occasions in the past already).
Tomorrow, we're going across the street to have pizza with that family. I've already spoken to both the husband (by phone) and wife (in person) about my new position, and I plan on wearing shorts and hose over to their house tomorrow also.
So, for any guys here who are struggling with shyness over this, I think the primary message you can take away from all this is that you CAN wear as openly as you want. The biggest true obstacle you'll have is your spouse. If you can remove that stumbling block somehow, you've got a clear pathway. I know, having a job that requires me to promote men's legwear DOES provide some lattitude that the average hose-wearer does not automatically have. But as long as you do not have a spouse who is strongly urging you not to be so open about where you wear hose, you should feel totally free to wear your hose openly. If your spouse is the issue, just try to be patient with her. Let her read what I've posted here... maybe that will help her see that the embarassment she fears is more in her mind than reality. Our circle of friends tends to be on the pretty conservative side (as do we, no coincidence there) and yet, nobody's been crying for us to be excommunicated or anything.
Maybe when I get the blog I want to start up running, we can get some sort of 'wives of...' page, where spouses who fear embarrassment can talk it through and see that the reality is much different than they imagine. In the meantime, if any would like to e-mail me, contact me at jakebwotha@hotmail.com
Now will you be traveling for your job, or working out of the office? I like the idea of a wives page. Be sure to mention our site to your wife!
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