The forum I created the other day is doing what I feared it would, nothing :( Although I find the LAUF forum a good resource, and I learn new things every day from that forum. for instance, yesterday, I learned that Oprah will have a piece on Friday about men's hoisery. Just like last weeks Saturday Night Live, I will be waiting with antici.....pation for it to play. (Does anyone get the reference to a cult movie there?)
Today on LAUF, there was a review of the new brand of Chinese hose for men, Doyeah. I would like to try them, because they are made for men, and have a fly. When I do try them, I'll be sure to post a review here.
As for mens hose with a fly, I scored big a couple of years ago, getting a pair of "Mr. Influential Warm-Ups" A great concept from the 70's They aren't the best, but part of my collection of men's hose. I like to consider myself a collector and connoisseur of fine men's hoisery. The one problem with these, is that thy are one size fits all, which means that they don't fit so well. A great concept for men's hoisery from the pioneers, and I have a pair!

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